Catan: Dice Game

The CATAN Dice Game is great for play on-the-go or during thosemoments “in-between". It is easy to learn and doesn’t take long to play.You can even play it as a single-player game.
In the dice game version of CATAN, you also build settlements, roads, cities,and knights.
Here, however, building doesn't mean placing wooden or plastic game pieces on agame board. Instead, each player has a sheet depicting a smaller version of theisland of CATAN. You build by filling in the respective symbols for roads,knights, settlements, and cities.
Building a road, settlement, or city costs the same resources as in the bigbrother version of the game, but the way you obtain the required resources iscompletely different.
On your turn, you may roll 6 special dice up to three times. After each diceroll, you may either set aside part of the dice or roll all dice again.
Each side of a die depicts one of CATAN's resources: brick, lumber, wool,grain, ore, or gold.
For example, if you roll 2 lumber, 2 brick, 1 grain, and 1 wool, you maybuild – i.e., fill in – a road and a settlement.
Each side of a die depicts one of CATAN's resources: brick, lumber, wool,grain, ore, or gold.
For example, if you roll 2 lumber, 2 brick, 1 grain, and 1 wool, you maybuild – i.e., fill in – a road and a settlement.
Of course, you also must observe certain rules when building. At thebeginning of the game, the first road is already depicted as a built road.Starting from this road, you continue building more roads. Each road built isworth 1 point. The order in which settlements and cities must be builtcorresponds to the number of points they are worth, from low to high. The pointsfor building a settlement increase from 3 to 11, and the points for building acity even rise from 7 to 30. Since you can build a city or settlement onlyadjacent to an already built road, you might often find yourself in a situationwhere you wonder whether you should build a city, which is more lucrative butmore difficult to build, or a settlement, which is less lucrative but easierto build.
And what is the task of CATAN's knights? Well, each of the 6 terrain hexesdepicts the contours of a knight.
If you build (fill in) a knight, once during the game you may use the resourceof a terrain hex where a knight was built in place of another resource of yourchoice.
That is, after the third dice roll you may turn one of the dice so that theresource corresponding to this knight's hex is face up.
After building, you enter your points in one of the 15 boxes depicted onyour sheet. The game ends after each player has finished 15 turns. The playerwith the highest score wins.