Carcassonne - 20th Anniversary Edition


Celebrate 20 years of Carcassonne with this special edition of theclassic tile-placement game featuring upgraded visuals and enhancedgameplay.

New Look
The classic game inspired by the medieval fortress found in Southern France for its 20th anniversary with a new look, enhanced visuals, and a fewnew gameplay experiences. The Carcassonne 20th Anniversary Edition comes withthe base game, but upgraded with a high gloss, UV spot print on all the tilesand the box to truly make the details shine, while the tiles themselves areupgraded with brand new illustrations and decorated with characters.

Same Great Game
Fans of Carcassonne will have no trouble diving right into this updated version,since this 20th Anniversary Edition comes with the complete base game, and iscompatible with all Carcassonne expansions. This edition brings 20 new tiles,including more river tiles, abbots, and meeple stickers to personalize yourmeeple. Longtime fans of Carcassonne would also do well to keep a sharp eye outfor any fun easter eggs within these newly decorated pieces.

Rulebook, 1 Supplemental Rulesheet, 87 Land Tiles, 17 River Tiles,40 Meeples, 5 Abbotts, 1 Scoreboard, Character Stickers

The Board Gamer NZ
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