Carcassonne Expansion 3: The Princess & the Dragon


Carcassonne is required to enjoy this game

Enter the world of fantasy and fairy tales with this Carcassonneexpansion.

A Storybook World
Enter a realm of chivalry and sorcery with this Carcassonne expansion. ThePrincess sends knights out to perform acts of chivalry; meanwhile, a fearsomedragon threatens followers unprotected by the magic of the fairies! The Princess& The Dragon expansion introduces princesses, dragons, fairies, and otherstorybook elements that add surprising wrinkles to your Carcassonne game. Youcan use thirty new tiles to unleash a dragon that devours anyone in its path,summon a fairy to protect your followers, or remove rival knights from a city.No matter what tile you draw, you’ll have plenty of options to disrupt youropponents’ plans and claim more points for yourself.

Reshape the Landscape
With The Princess & The Dragon, players can affect followers like neverbefore. Draw a Volcano and the dragon appears! This isn’t too bad on its own,but drawing a Dragon tile subsequently sends the dragon on a rampage across thecountryside, devouring any followers in its path. Also, when the Princess tileis played, she can remove a knight from a city to open more scoringopportunities. Things aren’t all bad for followers, though. The fairy protectsyour followers from the dragon and scores you bonus points when your turn beginsand when you score features. Furthermore, if you’re lucky enough to draw theMagic Portal, you can place a follower on any previously placed tile. Byincorporating these dynamic new components into your game, The Princess &The Dragon is sure to shake up your Carcassonne experience!

Rulebook, 30 Land Tiles, 1 Dragon Token, 1 Fairy Token

The Board Gamer NZ
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