Yakkity: New Zealand Edition


Make your way around the board by describing the words on the card to yourteammates without saying the word, ‘rhymes with’ or ‘sounds like’! Howmany can you do in 30 seconds?

Land on a Yakkity tile and you'll need to answer a trivia question too!

Yakkity is a fast and fun game that tests your ability to think and talkunder time pressure! Yakkity is played in teams of two or more, where one teammember describes as many words as possible to their team in the 30-second timeframe without saying the word or using actions or rhymes. Watch out for theYakkity tiles where your team’s general knowledge will be tested. Fast-pacedfun guaranteed.

Developed for NZ, it's packed full of local words and trivia.

The Board Gamer NZ
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