Solgar Chelated Copper


a well absorbed form of Copper meaning that it gets absorbed easily into the bloodstream through the gut mucosa and utilised easily by the body. Copper is especially helpful for the cardiovascular system and also for the formation, strength and colour of the connective tissue e.g. blood vessels, skin, nails and hair respectively. Copper, being a vital trace nutrient, is known to be an important factor in preventing aneurysm, where the blood vessel lining is weakened and splits. If you have a family history of aneurysm or other signs of blood vessel weakness such as varicose veins you might benefit from taking a copper supplement daily.

The best way to determine if you have a Copper deficiency is by signs and symptoms, or a blood test. Talk to one of our health professionals if you are are wondering if you are Copper deficient so we can help you decide what dose is best to use and for how long.

This product passes the quality and dosage requirements that we set as practi...

The Apothecary
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