Sleep Clinic


$35.00 –

Sleep problems are common throughout life and affect people acutely or chronically. Insomnia can happen due to a variety of reasons but the signs are clear. The inability to get to sleep sleep onset or the inability to stay asleep sleep maintenance. This can be coupled with early morning waking or the inability to get out of bed in the morning. Insomnia affects our daily life, making this a struggle which we use stimulants to overcome. Unfortunately sleeping tablets are often addictive and can induce a feeling of grogginess the following day.

Insomnia often starts with a bout of stress but can end up in a habit that the brain finds hard to stop. We often know what is happening but are helpless to stop it. If we suffer from insomnia for too long this affects our quality of life and our long term health also. Stress is a key player in insomnia and unless we can learn how to manage the stress in our lives then our sleep issues will continue. The good news is ...

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