Iodine 24 hour loading test


The 24 hour urinary iodine loading test helps to determine iodine deficinency status. The 24 hour test involves being at home for a day collecting urine over a 24 hour period after taking an iodine supplement. This determines the amount of iodine absorbed versus the amount excreted over 24 hours which helps determine deficiency status.

Iodine testing is a used for any suspected iodine deficiency. Iodine deficiency can mimic hypothyroid symptoms but the thyroid function can be low, high or normal in conjunction with iodine deficiency. Who is at risk:

- Those on a low salt diet
- Those who use Himalayan or Sea salt
- Those who dont eat seafood or seaweed in their diet
- Those with hypothyoid symptoms such as feeling the cold, low body temperature, slow digestion, slow heart rate, fatigue, feeling heavy & sluggish, brian fog, tendency to depression, high cholesterol, fluid rentention, inability to lose weight & goitre
- Those with hyperth...

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