Integrative Clinic


$70.00 –

Integrative Care is a term used to describe an integrative approach to healthcare. Having a relationship with your doctor is important for any health condition and having a relationship with a naturopath that can work with your doctor to treat your health from a holistic and nutritional perspective is just as integral.

Integrative care means using herbal remedies alongside your medical care and using herbal medicines to complement your care. We can develop you a plan where we look at your medications and decide what we can use alongside in order to support your health condition. We give diet and lifestyle advice specific for your condition and can offer you alternative ways of looking after yourself alongside your medicines. If you are on more than 1 medication this can be an important approach to look at your health holistically.

Integrative care is based on assessment of your family and medical history, current health issues and medications, and includ...

The Apothecary
$280 $70
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