Hormone Testing


$185.00 –

Hormone testing is usually warranted in certain cases where a person needs to know which hormone is out of balance. The type of testing needed depends on the problem.

PMS, irregular periods, menopausal symptoms, or amenorrhea after cessation of the pill doesn’t usually require hormone testing. These patterns of hormone imbalance are well established and a thorough case take and health history as well as a thorough assessment of your symptoms usually reveals the treatment pathway.

However hormonal acne, severe PMS, a history or family history of endocrine cancers, and even more systemic symptoms which relate to a cyclic pattern indicate a need for hormone testing.

The next question is the type of testing. At your doctor you will be able to take a hormone test if your symptoms warrant it, however with female hormones it is all about the timing. Hormones are cyclical and hormone testing requires knowing where in your cycle you are. You need to trac...

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