3 Berry Heart Tea Cardiovascular Tea


$25.00 –

This tea is a blend of three delicious heart healthy herbs Hawthorn, Hibiscus and Rose-hips ~ all of which provide Flavonoids that benefit the cardiovascular system, specifically lowering moderately high blood pressure Hawthorn and balancing cholesterol Hibiscus. Rose-hips are also a source of Vitamin C. Flavonoids benefit the blood vessels by strengthening them which protects them from the damaging effects of high blood pressure as well as prevent hardening of the arteries. If this tea is drunk 2-3 times daily it can be used to support blood pressure. If you are on heart medications talk to us before using this. This great tasting tea has hints of sourness coming through ~ these are the phenolic acids are the Flavonoids themselves which also give the tea its red colour. What an enjoyable way to take heart herbs! Enjoy!

This tea contains: Hawthorn berry, Hibiscus flower, Rose-hips. All of our herbal tea blends are created by us and are made from quality loc...

The Apothecary
$70 $25
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