

$17.90 –

are a New Zealand company who research and use the Native Horopito extract. Horopito (Pseudowintera colorata) is endemic to New Zealand, and it is known as the pepper tree due to the hot peppery taste of the leaves. Polygodial is the main active constituent in Horopito that is responsible for its antifungal action.

Polygodial was first isolated from the leaves of Horopito in 1982 by researchers at the University of Canterbury. Early research showed that the polygodial in Horopito was stronger than amphotericin B, a common pharmaceutical antifungal in use at that time.

Other active constituents include:
• Volatile oil – containing eugenol and at least 21 terpenes and volatile sesquiterpenes (of which the sesquiterpene polygodial is dominant).
• Flavonoids – including Quercetin, Luteolin, Apegenin, and Dihydroquercetin
• Anthocyanins – red coloured leaves contain higher concentrations of anthocyanins
• Tannins

The Apothecary
$29.90 $17.90
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