Lemongrass Essential Oil

Lemongrass Cochin Essential Oil
Botanical Name: Cymbopogon flexuosus.
Lemongrass Cochin Essential Oil has fresh citral notes. 10ml
Effect on skin: Tonic effect and balances oil conditions, has powerful activity for acne and fungal infections. Take care and use at low concentrations as it may irritate the skin. Good for athletes' foot and fungal infections.
Effect on body: Lemongrass is excellent in a massage oil for soft tissue injuries, bruises, muscle or joint aches, and to cool and ease sore, tired muscles after exercise. Excellent tonic when recovering from illness. Stimulates glandular secretions and the digestive processes. Encourages appetite and may be helpful with gastric problems. Discourages the spread of contagious diseases, particularly infections such as sore throats, laryngitis and fevers. Has a toning effect on muscles, relieves pain, eliminates lactic acid and stimulates circulation. Clears headaches, fatigue and symptoms of jet lag. Said to aid flow of breast milk in nursing mothers. Excellent combating insects and fleas.
Effect on mind: Purifying, stimulating and refreshing for the mind. Helpful for mental fatigue and loss of concentration, has a tonic effect on the nervous system to balance and revive rather than overstimulate.
Home: A great oil to diffuse during cold and flu season to purify and refresh the air, and in summer as an insect repellent. It is also a good choice in household cleaning blends.
Blends well with: Basil, Cedarwood, Coriander, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender, Tea Tree, Patchouli.
- Consultation with a suitably qualified practitioner is recommended prior to us
- For external use only
- Do not apply to skin undiluted
- Not recommended for use during pregnancy
- Perform a patch test prior to use
- Price:
- $11.50