Rau Kumara Kete by Jasmine Henare


(Ngāti Hine, Ngā Rauru, Ngāti Ruanui, Tainui)

“Tena koutou katoa,

I began weaving at the age of 13 while visiting my father on Great Barrier Island. In a short week, I fell in love with raranga.

I have lived and grew up in Northland, and through my years here, I have learned from many beautiful weavers who have shared their knowledge with me, which is now my passion to share my knowledge with others.

In recent times I have gone through the Hetet School of Māori Art. I have learnt the art of whatu, which has helped my weaving journey.

My raranga is based on designs and patterns passed down by my Tupuna.

I have been able to share my raranga with many people, which appeals to both the ‘old world’ and the ‘new world’—traditional and contemporary.

Toitū te whenua whatungarongaro te tangata

This whakataukī – the land remains people disappear – reminds us we are only here briefly.

Ngā mihi."

-Jasmine Henare

Raranga - weaving

Whatu - the weaving process that brings together the aho (horizontal thread) and the whenu (vertical thread

Te Papa Store
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