Breakfast Selection
Keen to try our cereals but not sure which one and you want to try them all first? Or perhaps you can think of 4 friends with different dietary requirements to give a bag to and keep the last one for you! Whatever your needs, for a limited time - we've created the breakfast selection featuring 1 of each of our 4 mueslis blend
The includes:
1x Healthy Blend Muesli 400g - NZ's lowest sugar muesli with a lovely apple cinnamon flavour - dried fruit free and a great option for diabetics or Fodmap followers.
1 x Original Blend Muesli 400g - a wholesome, wholefood everyday breakfast cereal full of honey coated almonds.
1 x Gluten Free Blend Muesli 400g - naturally gluten free and also nut free, deliciously crunchy, perfect with fruit and yoghurt or even sprinkled on salads.
1 x Paleo Blend Muesli 350g, scrumptious peach and passionfruit flavour, vegan, grain free, keto friendly.
You will find the ingredient list and nutrition details for each product on their product pages. Here: Healthy Blend, Original Blend, Gluten Free Blend, and Paleo Blend