Scottish Breakfast
This strong new addition to our breakfast tea range has a rich, strong and robust character; just like the rough terrain of the Scottish highlands from which it takes its inspiration.
Blended from the some of the darkest of the black teas from India, Sri Lanka, Kenya and China; this hearty tea is stout and warming with a slight peaty finish.
Loaded with theaflavins and thearubigins, this black tea is also great for health and digestion.
A deliciously strong breakfast tea, Scottish Breakfast can be enjoyed with milk and sweetener to taste.
To Enjoy
Place one teaspoon per cup into an infuser, filter or teapot. Add freshly boiled water and infuse for 4 minutes. Serve immediately or remove leaves to prevent spoiling. A deliciously strong breakfast tea, Irish Breakfast can be enjoyed with milk and sweetener to taste.