Jinro Soju 24% 750ml

Made from 60% grain, 20% sweet potato, 20% tapioca, (50% rice and 50% barley), Chamisul Soju by Jinro has a thin crisp vodka scent and a taste of a sweet watered down vodka. With an all around sweet sugar flavor, Jinro is very smooth with no bite. Jinro Soju is very drinkable with a slight burn and warmth. That’s the reason it sells so much. Jinro is a sweet and smooth watered down vodka that is very drinkable for the average drinkable. Lacking any serious bite, this spirit has mass appeal. Also, many in South Korea and throughout the world mix Soju into their beer to give the Asian style light lager/pilsner a bit of a kick. Alc. Vol.:24
Tbo Sunnynook
$138 $23.99
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