Solvent-Free Painting on Book Board

Artist supply: Solvent-Free Painting on  Book Board

Book Board is an inexpensive, acid-free, archival board that can be used as a substrate for painting or drawing or any mixed-media project.

What you will need:

Seal the book board with a coat of shellac. You may need two or three coats depending on how much the shellac has been diluted.

The colors used on this particular portrait were: Titanium White, Naples Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Red Light, Alizarin, Burnt Sienna, Dioxazine Purple and Phthalo Blue.

A sketch was laid down, dry-brushing with burnt sienna.

If you wish to paint without the use of any solvents, Turpenoid Natural can be used as a medium. Turpenoid is water soluble so clean-up can be done with soap and water. Here, I used the Archival Flow Gel Medium because I like the fast drying properties. I then cleaned my brushes without using any solvents; only the Art Spectrum Brush & Hand Cleaner or Turpenoid Natural.

The finished painting.

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