Magic Palette Mixing Guide

Artist supply: Magic Palette Mixing Guide

An indispensable working tool for artists at all experience levels. By following the simple instructions this color chart will show you how to mix over 300 beautiful, luminous colors using just 18 popular tube paints, plus titanium white. The Magic Palette Guide take the guessing out of mixing colors and is ideal for use in the studio, classroom or on location.

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How to use the Magic Palette Color Mixing Guide

Step 1

    Select the color you want to mix from the Magic Palette grid. This is your target color.

Step 2

    From your Target color follow the row to the left margin where you will find the Dominant color. Now, follow the column down to the bottom margin, where you will find the Mixing color. Using your palette knife, place a dab of each on your palette.

Step 3

    The 18 original paint colors are never used straight from the tube. Lighten the Dominant color and the Mixing color separately with Titanium White to match the Dominant and Mixing color illustrated on the guide. Add the white very slowly. Yellow, oranges and reds require no more the 5% Titamium White. Darker colors will usually require slightly more white.

Step 4

    Begin mixing the Target color you originally chose. Using a palette knife start with the Dominant color and slowling add in the Mixing color in very small increments. Contine adding the Mixing color until you match the Target color.
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