Trekell One Stroke Lettering 8070 Brushes
The Trekell synthetic squirrel line offers an equivalent to natural squirrel hair. Designed with control in mind, these brushes bring together precision and unhampered flow without the fear of flare outs. With 6" black handles, feel right when performing detailed work. But, more importantly, you can count on them to work correctly.
Trekell's One Stroke Brush went through a meticulous design process to ensure it excels at lettering. Utilizing the versatility and maneuverability of its pinstriping lineage, the One Stroke Brush goes across a painting surface smoothly without a hint of drag. Apply pressure to the 6" black handle to fatten-up lines or ease-back for daintier strokes; either way, you're treated to the cleanliness and clarity that are true Trekell qualities. However you use one, a One Stroke Brush makes its mark.