Caspian Sea Yogurt Kit

What is Caspian Sea (also known as Matsoni) Yogurt?

Matsoni yogurt can be conveniently and easily fermented at room temperature as it is a mesophilic culture. Matsoni is less sour than regular yogurt and has subtle notes of honey permeating through. It has a consistency of custard and is in between filmjolk and viili in thickness. How do I make Caspian Sea yogurt?

Simply add 1 tablespoon of active yogurt starter to 1 cup of fresh dairy milk. Leave at room temperature 20-26 degrees Celsius for 6-8 hours until it has set. Once set, place in the fridge. Always reserve a tablespoon to start your next yogurt ferment.

This culture will keep making yogurt forever, provided it is cared for correctly.

What does my kit include:

- - 4 tablespoons of caspian sea starter
- 1L Symbiota Glass Jar
- Elasticated Cotton Top
- Stainless Steel (no rust) lid
- Instructions and recipe


- Please use an urban address where possible.
- Live cultures are couriered out on Mondays & Tuesdays to avoid delays.

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