Olympus Labs K1NGS PCT


Introducing Olympus Labs' K1NGS PCT - a groundbreaking post-cycle support supplement created through extensive research and innovation. It's designed to be the most comprehensive and effective solution available, leaving competitors in the dust.

K1NGS PCT tackles the complex issues the body faces after using exogenous androgens from multiple angles. This post-cycle period can be tough on the body, so K1NGS PCT provides support by focusing on restoring the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular-axis (HPTA). It does this by not only using the common method of hypothalamic 'estrogen receptor antagonism' but also introducing a novel 'androgen receptor antagonist' pathway. This comprehensive approach enhances the negative feedback loop, leading to increased steroid production.

Key benefits:

- Novel HPTA support
- Potent LH FSH booster
- Stimulate steroidogenesis
- Supports Leydig cell function
- Supports healthy libido
- Potent anti-catabolic support
- Increase muscle protein synthesis
- Supports healthy growth hormone levels
- Appetite stimulation
- Novel Cyclic-Adenosine monophosphate booster
- Boosts anabolic signalling
- Supports lean muscle growth
- Novel long-acting anti-oxidant support
- Assists with exercise performance and recovery
- Anti-inflammatory support

Supplement Solutions
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