Leppin Sport | Enduro Boost Powder

Leppin Enduro Booster is designed to be mixed and taken whether simply training or actually competing in events. Leppin Enduro Booster prevents depletion of glycogen reserves and consequently the depletion of energy and performance. It is a general energy drink which can be taken as and when required. Simply mix with water and go!
Enduro Booster now has a complete electrolyte profile. Along with the usual Sodium and Potassium profile we have added Magnesium and Calcium to further reduce the likelihood of cramps and transport glycogen molecules to the muscle even faster.
Enduro Booster yield six times as much energy as the same volume of Isotonic glucose. The Leppin range of long-chain carbohydrate polymers was developed by Leppin in collaboration with one of the worlds leading sports physiologists, for the express purpose of creating a constant energy pool for increased athletic performance and endurance.
Leppin Enduro Booster is available as a powder and a liquid (LEPPIN ENDURO BOOSTER CONCENTRATE) which is faster to mix for your convenience.
Features of Leppin Enduro Booster:
• Refuels glycogen stores in both muscles and liver, thus extending endurance and performance.
• Leppin long-chain carbohydrate polymer is easily absorbed and utilised by the body as a rapid and long lasting energy fuel source, even during intense exercise.
• Leppin/Water solution emptys from the stomach as quickly as water making this a highly efficient carbohydrate source.
• Taken during competition or physical exercise, Enduro Booster may prevent depletion of glycogen reserves and consequent loss of energy and performance.
Nutrition Facts:
Serving Size: 20g
Servings per container:
600g - 30 serves
1kg - 50 serves
2kg - 100 serves
Provides per serve:
Carbohydrate Total.......18g
Crystalline Fructose......1.6g
Electrolyte Blend
Sodium Chloride...........100mg
Potassium phosphate.........100mg
Magnesium aspartate.........100mg
Zinc Methionine............25mg
Chromium Picolinate..........50mg
Calcium Ascorbate...........70mg
Recommended Use:
Put 2 tablespoons of powder (20g) into 250ml of cold water and stir briskly until dissolved.
Intake for continuous physical exercise -
Before - Drink 250mls 5-10 minutes before starting
During - Drink 500-750ml per hour
After - Drink 250ml after completion
For a daily energy source:
Drink 250ml whenever extra energy is required.
Leppin Sport Complex Carbohydrate (10-23 DE) Blend, High energy Crystalline fructose, Electrolyte Blend (Sea Salt, Potassium Phosphate, Magnesium Citrate), Vitamin C, Branched Chain Amino Acids, L-Glutamine, Chromium Picolinate, Natural Fruit Flavours, Stevia.
Size: 1kg bag