The Planet-Friendly Kitchen by Karen Edwards


From the author of "The Responsible Traveler" comes another beautiful book to guide you towards making thoughtful choices for the planet.

The Planet Friendly Kitchen - Not Just Recipies!

Chock full of information about Palm Oil, Meat, Seafood, Impacts of Food Production, Climate, Plant-Based Diets, Shopping with Conscience, Water, Cooking Efficiency, Gardening and More!

"We all have the power to make a difference."

"We know our planet's resources are stretched to the limits. We know that without significant changes to our diets and shopping habits, nature will continue to suffer.

But sometimes it feels like we're bombarded with mixed messages, and it can be hard to work out which foods are truly eco-friendly. This book sets out the facts in a clear and straightforward way, helping you to make informed choices about

environmentally conscious ways to shop, the products to avoid, the best foods to buy, and sustainable ways to prepare them.

With over 30 delicious recipes that you, and the earth, will love, The Planet-Friendly Kitchen contains all the tips and advice you need to start making small changes that have big impacts.

The choices we make can help create a kinder way of feeding the world and will preserve our beautiful planet for many generations to come.

Strangers Collective
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