Waitomo Glowworm Caves + Ruakuri Cave 懷托摩螢火蟲洞 + 魯阿庫利洞 - 喜田舒旅

乘船靜靜地駛入舉世聞名的懷托摩螢火蟲洞(Waitomo Glowworm Caves), 讓頭上成千上萬隻神奇的螢火蟲帶給你驚喜。 始於 19 世紀 80 年代晚期的經典遊程將帶你探索最返璞歸真、最具標誌性的紐西蘭景點。 1 小時螢火蟲洞 2小時魯阿庫利洞 Be amazed by the thousands of magical glowworms above, as you glide silently by boat in the world famous Waitomo Glowworm Caves. Guided since the late 1880s, this is the original, iconic New Zealand attraction. Allow 1 hour for the Waitomo Glowworm Cave and 1.5 hours for Ruakuri Cave.
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