River Rats RANGITAIKI Grade 2 Scenic RAFTING TRIP 朗吉塔基 2級漂流之旅 - 喜田舒旅

適合全家一起體驗的漂流項目,玩水的同時欣賞美麗、壯觀的風景 探險隊從Aniwhenua瀑布下方的Rangitaiki河開始,1.5小時左右在鬱鬱蔥蔥的森林和通過驚人的岩石峽谷中穿過一層又一層的小瀑布。既感受到了激流的澎湃,簡直是最完美的體驗了。整個探險過程為5.5小時,包括野餐午餐,羅托魯瓦接送,安全培訓和大約1.5小時的河道時間。您不需有漂流經驗就可在河上享受史詩般的家庭冒險。 這次旅行提供了野餐式的午餐 歡迎5歲及以上的兒童 10歲以下的兒童必須有成人陪同 The full expedition is 5.5 hours including a picnic style lunch, Rotorua transfers, safety training and river time of approximately 1.5 hours. You don’t need rafting experience for this one but you do need to be able to get down the rock step formations to start the journey. Complimentary pick up is available from your central Rotorua accommodation or, if you prefer, y...
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