Hydro Attack Boat & Shark Ride 半潛式鯊魚水艇+遊船 (For Groups) - 喜田舒旅

單人半潛式鯊魚快艇的終極結合,位在於皇后鎮中心的湖畔前,在美不勝收的瓦卡蒂普湖中同時體驗刺激驚險的旅程!3.9秒內從時速0加速至80公里。躍出水面高達18英尺,潛到水下深達5英尺,引力中心低,90°旋轉以及幾個圓環,彷彿身在心跳加速的過山車之旅。享受半潛式鯊魚水艇的刺激驚險的旅程,再回到Aotea,看著同行的朋友,家人舒適和安全地坐在鯊魚水艇裡暢遊。 Reaching speeds of 80 kph on the water and 40 kph diving under the water,experience a one-on-one ride with one of our friendly and experienced pilots in our semi-submersible shark.You can enjoy the same great experience in our semi-submersible shark as a single trip from the wharf. Then settle back on the boat to watch your friends,family and other passengers have a turn.
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