Vitis 120g Proclaim insecticide

Vitis® is an insecticide for the control of Leafrollers on avocados and grapes. Vitis® has translaminar activity but is not systemic, therefore thorough coverage is essential.
After application, Vitis® quickly moves into young leaves from where it is taken up by the feeding Leafrollers. Vitis® takes about 4 days to achieve maximum control.
Note: DO NOT apply if rainfall is expected before spray would have dried, as reduced efficacy may result. The addition of a non-ionic surfactant is required in all uses. A reduction in efficacy may result if a non-ionic surfactant e.g. Acuspread at label rates is not included.

Active ingredient: 50g/kg Emamectin Benzoate in the form of a Water dispersible granule

Available in 120g

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