Castelli Free Aero RC Classic Bibshort Men's


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The perfect mix of comfort and speed. It's engineered for top-level racing, which also makes it supremely comfortable for every ride and rider.

Product features

- High-compression 215 g Forza 2 fabric with 32% Lycra® content provides exceptional muscle support and compression
- Progetto X2 Air seamless seat pad is soft against the skin but well padded for long-distance comfort
- Minimalist bib straps allow maximum airflow, while a reinforced yoke keeps the straps flat over the shoulders
- Rear mesh pocket
- 5-panel construction for reduced seams and less chafing
- Stitched scorpion logo patch and printed Castelli wordmark on leg endings
- Reflective piping on back of legs
- Raw-cut edge at waist for extra stretch and comfort
- Raw-cut leg ending engineered to stay put without silicone grippers

Technical Features

- Weight:191 g
- Temperature:15°C - 35°C / 59°F - 95°F
- Fit:Race

Spoken Cycles
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