Paterson Pro-Proof Printer + Copy Board


Negatives are easily positioned in slots on the mask of the Paterson Proof Printers and the resulting contact sheet enables easy choice of which negatives to enlarge.

Is designed to contact print large negatives up to 10" x 12" (25.4 x 30.5cm)
It can also be used to hold prints or other artwork flat for copying purposes.
In use the glass plate is hinged upwards and the negatives are positioned into the
slots on the edges of the black mask fixed onto the under surface of the glass. The
edge numbering on the film is visible through the mask allowing them to be printed
onto the sheet of printing paper. A sheet of photographic printing paper is inserted
emulsion side up into the contact printer. The foam pad ensures that the printing
paper is in total contact with the negatives once the glass plate is clipped shut.

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