Kōwhai Kitchen - Masterton


Kōwhai Kitchen Masterton is a small bakery/cafe in the heart of Masterton, a prime spot to grab your post-lockdown breakfast/lunch or pick up a coffee to ease you back into your daily routine. We provide a wide range of affordable and delicious home-cooked-style food, from flavoursome pies, salads and sandwiches to mouthwatering slices, scones and muffins; We even have a blackboard menu to feed your cravings!

We’d like to thank you for your support during this time, we can’t wait to get back into the Kōwhai Kitchen! Ngā mihi nui - The team at Kōwhai Kitchen Masterton

Address: 11 Church St, Masterton

Ph: 027 634 4402 or 027 912 4245

E: kowhaikitchenmasterton@gmail.com

FB: https://www.facebook.com/kowhaikitchenmasterton

IG: https://www.instagram.com/kowhaikitchen masterton

SOS Cafe
Kōwhai Kitchen Masterton-5
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