[PRE-ORDER] Vivobarefoot Gobi Sneaker Canvas Womens Rose (ETA. LATE MARCH)



- Estimated dispatch date for pre-orders is stated on our product title, and is subject to change pending arrival of stock.
- Some sizes are in stock and will be shipped immediately.
- If there is a delay to the arrival of your reserved item, we will notify you by email.
- Pre-order items are only available while stock lasts - no rainchecks.
- Multiple items in one order may be split across multiple deliveries.
- Pre-order items will be charged in full as soon as the order is placed. Our first vegan certified style As registered by the vegan society

Vegan certification means our value chain partners can ensure that no animal products or by-products are used in any stage of production. Eventually, our aim is to have all of our vegan styles certified. Fit, Feel, Flex: For natural stability, natural sensory feedback and natural strength.

Sole Distribution New Zealand
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