Brilla Prosecco 750ml


Aside from the bling bottle design, Brilla Prosecco is a lovely, refreshing, light bodie, lightly sparkling Italian bubbly. Its flavours are of floral, lemon, red apples and a touch of lime. Good quality prosecco with fresh clean flavours and a medium finish. The mini bottle is also convenient to take to parties for a couple of glasses.

What is Prosecco?

Grapes are grown in the Veneto region in north east Italy and the wine is made by the Charmat method, which means secondary fermentation takes place in pressurised stainless steel tanks. Once the secondary fermentation is complete, the wine is filtered and bottled under pressure. The charmat method is also known as tank method, methode cuve close and methode charmat-Martinotti.

Society Liquor
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