Moose - Warm-Ease Anti-Colic Heated Baby Belt


Ease pain from colic, cramp and wind.

Warm ease – combining heat and pressure to ease tummy pain

super-soft Warm-Ease tummy belts are a natural, non-invasive remedy for discomfort caused by colic, traped wind and tummy cramps.

Warm-Ease can be routinely placed on baby before and during a feed to relax the tummy muscles and comfortably settle baby for a peaceful feed.

Simply heat the inner pad (in the microwave or in hot water), wrap Warm-Ease around baby’s tummy and watch baby relax into a settled feed and restful sleep.


- Gel pad can be quickly heated in microwave or in hot water. Full safety instructions provided.
- Gel pad can be put in the fridge or freezer and used for bumps, bruises or swelling.
- Size-adjustable non-scratch, 'quiet' velcro wrap-around strap.
- Fits newborn to 12 months.
- 100% safe for baby.


- 1 x Warm-ease Heated Baby Belt
- 1 x Gel Pack (for heating or cooling)
- Instructions

Sleepytot New Zealand
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