Classic Blood Tip Fangs


Scarecrow Classic Fangs - with bloody tips! Each fang is individually hand-painted, so, no two drips of blood are the same. The Original Scarecrow Fangs "Classic" are designed for people with average to larger teeth. They may fit either canines and/or incisors or bottom teeth. Fast, easy, comfortable, and totally realistic. Fully reusable!

Product Contents

- Two 18mm Fang Caps
- Original Snap Fit On-The-Spot Customizing Kit
- Carry Case/Mixing Vessel
- Stir Stick
- QR Code to online instructions

On-the-spot customizing is fast, easy, and only needs to be done once. Everything you need is included, no additional utensils and no boiling water necessary. Once customized, fangs fit with a unique mold of your tooth inside that allows you to snap them on or off, quickly and easily.

WARNING! Don't use over braces, wires, plates, crowns, bonding, veneers, dentures or any other dental work. Don't eat or drink with them in. We opt for minimal packaging, so the fangs are packaged differently to the video, instructions can be found via the QR Code on the product or how to fit your Scarecrow Vampire Fangs.

sinister boutique
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