Squi.Jig (3”) - Framing Square Attachments - Green
Framing Square Attachment for all your framing needs, which might include stair layout, rafter layout, steel framing, or if you just want a cool tool to make your tool bags shine.
With this unique cylinder design, and dual slots, there are unlimited possibilities and uses for this framing square attachment.
Whats the main differences between the two squijig sizes?
Great question! The 1-1/4" Tall squijigs are designed for wood carpenters to over come defects in lumber. All though the 1-1/4" squijigs also work for building things like metal hand railing, stairs, truck beds. The 3" squijigs on the other hand have a metal fabrication back ground. The 3" weight and size helps the framing square to stay upright and free a hand when tacking parts. Having two slots gives you the freedom to side shift around parts like brackets, welds. Also the larger metal beams tend to have rounded corners and the 3" width easly over comes that. Hope that helps