Electronic Maori Flash Card Reader
This electronic Maori Flash Card Reader provides you with the pronunciation of 224 Maori words, including:
- Animals
- Everyday items e.g. TV, lamp, table, cellphone,
- Vehicles
- Foods e.g. dumplings, sandwich, pizza, rice, chocolate
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Clothing
- Nature e.g. sun, trees, beach
- Colours
- People
- Jobs
- Shapes
Pop an illustrated learning card into the reader, and it clearly pronounces the word on the card, once at normal speed, and again slowly sounding it out. Perfect for teaching children, but just as relevant for adults who might be a bit scared of trying to pronounce Maori words and who need to build their confidence from hearing the words clearly spoken, as many times as required.
The reader is charged by a USB cable. It comes in either Pink or Blue, but honestly, don't get hung up about that. There's no need to stereotype kids, and no need to worry about the colour of the device. What it does is what matters.
Fabulous for schools, just as great at home. A wonderful way to increase your confidence in speaking Maori.
Proudly shipped worldwide from New Zealand.