Book - Te Mahi Kete - Maori Flaxwork For Beginners


Book: Te Mahi Kete - Maori Flaxwork For Beginners
By Mick Pendergrast
Softcover, 100pp, Penguin Group, 2008

Te Mahi Kete provides detailed, step-by-step instructions, illustrated with numerous photos and line drawings, on how to prepare flax and plait two simple types of kete bags.

The book also shows variations in techniques for starting and finishing kete, making the handles, and incorporating a decorative pattern.

Mick Pendergrast first became interested in plaiting and other Maori crafts while teaching in small communities on the East Cape of New Zealand. He has curated major exhibitions of Maori weaving and published many books on Maori fibre art.

The book starts with details of the traditions relating to flax and plaiting, as well as information on the flax plant and how to prepare the flax strips.

It then goes on to providing instructions on how to make a simple satchel with shoulder strap, then a bucket shape bag, and finally a hat.

There is also info on how to make an overhand knot, how the anchor your work, keeping your work even, making corrections, and how to prepare hard flax.

The perfect gift for the novice kete maker.

Shipped worldwide from New Zealand.

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