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$40.50Pencil Wrap - 48 pieceArtVibe Contains: Pencil wrap 8 Sketching Pencils (HB x 2, 2B x2, 4B x 2, 6B x 2) 36 Coloured Pencils 1 ruler 1 eraser 1 Pencil SharpenerBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$3.90Paper Wrapped China Marker Pencil - WHITE (Chinagraph)Paper Wrapped China Marker Pencil - WHITE (Chinagraph) eachSometimes know within the industry as a Chinagraph pencil, these pencils are used for writing on gloss surfaces. Museums use them to catalogue old photographs.Multi purpose, paper wrapped grease pencils. Thick cores. No sharpener needed.Marks on plastic, wood, glass, leather, tiles and moreBuy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0