Middle School Handwriting Kit


Developing handwriting skills can be challenging for many children. We have put together a teacher's handwriting kit with a variety of different handwriting tools to meet the individual needs of students. The useful for children in Years 2-4 in middle primary school. The kit is aimed to help continue developing and maintaining good handwriting skills and habits for children with varied skills and abilities. This kit allows teachers to assess, trial and implement handwriting strategies with students easily. The includes:

- 2 x Assorted Pencil Grip packs to help with developing and maintaining the correct 'tripod' grip for writing
- 1 x Writing Claw Small pencil grip
- 1 x Writing Claw Medium pencil grip
- 1 x set PenAgain Twist n Write pencils to help develop good finger position, and is ideal for children with low muscle tone
- 1 x LegiLinger 12.5mm roller stamp
- 1 x LegiLiner 'Numberline' roller stamp to give visual guidance for spacing
- 1 x ink refill for roller stamps
- 1 x Weighted Pencil for those who require extra pressure through the hand and fingers. Extra pencil included
- 1 x Drawstring Bag for storage

Sensory Corner
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