Sensory Modulation & Environment (Third Edition Revised)

Champagne, T. (2011) Sensory Modulation and Environment: Essential Elements of Occupation (Third Edition). Soft Cover, spiral bound with over 300 pages. Enclosed worksheets, assessment tools and educational resources. An Excellent resource full of practical information. Created primarily for use with adolescent, adult, and geriatric populations in mental health services. It explores the entirety of sensory modulation applications: theory through practice. Included in this edition are sensory modulation assessment tools, worksheets and information on: The Sensory Modulation Programme, trauma-informed care, The restraint reduction initiative, diagnostic considerations, self-injurious behaviour, 'sensory diet', the use of weighted modalities, the creation and use of sensory rooms, self rating tools, individual and group treatment ideas, policy and procedure examples, quality improvement samples, staff training handouts, worksheets, and much more! This resource is a must have for the innovative mental health practitioner, student or educator! About the author- Tina Champagne has been recognised by the MA State DMH and National Technical Assistance Center of NASMHPD as a national leader in the integration of the use of sensory approaches, trauma-informed care and restraint reduction practices leading to culture shift in mental healthcare settings in the US.