Seacliff Organics Cover Crop Blend

Cover Crop Blend A Diverse Blend Of Beneficial Plants

designed in New Zealand for the New Zealand environment. Great for raised beds or potted plants, contains 40% clover by weight and contains a diverse blend of seeds for nitrogen-fixing, pest and disease resistance and to aid in the breakdown of organic matter. Cover Crop can be used between cycles or as companion plants to aid in maximum soil fertility and plant health.

This Cover Crop is ideal for use indoors, and can be broadcast mid - late spring in New Zealand.

40% clover by weight and contains the following;

- Clover yellow - lotus
- Sub Clover
- Clover Red
- White Clover
- Persian Clover
- Prairie Grass
- Browntop
- Vetch
- Beans

Seacliff Organics
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