Seacliff Organics BEAM Bio-Inoculant

a super high biology compost/vermicast/Bioreactor product full of live fungi and beneficial microorganisms.
Active fungal to bacterial ratio at time of testing 2:1
Add this inoculant to existing compost or soil mixes to increase biodiversity and kick start the biology. Water in well, and keep moist at all times.
Please note, we pack our BEAM fresh, so it can maintain the highest possible biological value, due to this there may be an extra day before dispatch.
This is a biologically active product and cannot be left to dry out. Recommended Usage:
Compost product from a Johnson-Su bioreactor can also be used to create liquid extracts that contain a rich and diverse community of soil microbes, especially fungi. The compost extracts are especially useful for inoculating large areas with beneficial soil microbial communities. An extract, or inoculum, can be made from this compost by vigorously mixing the compost with water. The extract can then be applied as a spray.
To produce the extract, add 2-3 heaping handfuls of mature compost to 20L of water, and stir the mixture vigorously. I use a hand drill with a large paddle blade mixer for 4-5 minutes. The goal is to dislodge as many microbes as possible from the organic matter. After vigorously mixing the compost and water solution, pour the mixture through a paint screen (such as a 20L mesh bag from your local hardware store) into another container. After straining, the extract is ready to be sprayed through a sprayer or sprinkler onto the leaves of plants or onto soil plots. After spraying the extract, water it into the soil with a garden hose sprayer or sprinkler to ensure that the microbes have filtered down into the soil. On large acreages, the extract can provide very beneficial results when applied to directly into the furrow while planting, a process which ensures that microbes are right next to germinating seeds.
Through the spray method, application rates of 1 kg of compost/hectare (1 pound/acre) have been implemented with success. Beneficial microbes from the mature compost can also be applied directly to seeds before they are planted.
Seed Innoculation
Create a slurry with the following ingredients: About ½ cup of a milk/molasses mixture (8 parts milk to 1 part molasses) About a liter of compost, Water (amount varies - add the water while stirring until the compost slurry has a viscosity similar to pancake batter) One liter of the resulting slurry can then be poured into a cement mixer with 20kg of seed and tumbled until the seeds are thoroughly coated. Smaller batches can be done by hand in a 20L bucket. The coating process takes approximately 1-2 minutes, and then the seed can be air dried by spreading the seed out on a tarp in the shade and allowing it to dry, with occasional raking to expose wet areas. After drying, the seeds can be planted. Alternatively, if the seeds are large, they can be planted wet because the seed will flow well through a planter.