Spot-X Fish ID For NZ Fishermen


Written and illustrated for fishermen, no Latin names or scientific terms.

Clearly illustrated with tips on identification, habitat, fishing technique and bait used with a brief comment on the food quality.

Handy pocket size booklet written by Sam Mossman and illustrated by Eric Heath. Water proof, Tear proof.

Gamefish: Black Marlin, Blue Marlin, Broadbill Swordfish, Mahi Mahi, Shortbill Spearfish, Striped Marlin

Tuna: Albacore, Big Eye, Blue Fin, Skipjack, Yellow Fin,

Shark: Blue Shark, Bronze Whaler, Hammerhead, Mako Shark, Spiny Dogfish, Spotted Dogfish, Thresher, Tope, White Shark

Bait Fish: Blue Mackerel, Blue Mao Mao, Grey Mullet, Jack Mackerel, Koheru, Pilchard, Piper, Anchovy, Yellow Eye Mullet

Deepwater Fish: Bass, Blue Nose, Frost Fish, Gemfish, Hapuku, Ling,

Saltwater Fish: Barracouta, Blue Cod, Blue Moki, Butterfish, Eagle Ray, Elephant Fish, Flounder, Gurnard, John Dory, Kahawai, Kingfish, Parore, Porae, Pink Mao Mao, Red Cod, Red Snapper, Snapper, Stingray, Tarakiki, Trevally, Trumpeter, Warehou

Freshwater Fish: Brook Trout, Brown Trout, Perch, Rainbow trout, Salmon, Tench

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