Eco Felt Grow Bag - Rewarewa


These are designed by Jo Luping and perfect for your little plants at home. You know mini stuff like micro-vegetables, herbs and flowers. Simply add your favourite potting mixture directly into the grow bag, then place on top of the saucer. It is cool for your plants as the felt allows roots to breathe yet retains water and allows for a gradual release of moisture. These guys are pretty awesome really because they are durable, washable, re-usable and eco friendly.

This one features the Rewarewa flower printed in red on charcoal coloured felt. How about this; the Rewarewa tree is the tallest protea in the whole wide world The best place to see them is at the Te Māhanga track, particularly in the Southern section.

" I am interested in the medicinal properties of plants, especially as they have been used by indigenous peoples around the world. In this series I am exploring New Zealand Māori use of plants endemic to New Zealand. This Eco felt Grow bag features a drawing of a Rewarewa which is the Māori name for New Zealand Honeysuckle. It is endemic to New Zealand and found in the low valley forests of the North Island and Marlbourough Sounds. Medicinally it has been used as a bandage and to stem bloodflow from cuts. The honey produced from the tree is said to have a rich caramel-like taste. " - Jo Luping - Designer.

Eco Felt grow bag material is 2mm thick felt with coloured stitching detail. Saucer is made from 100% biodegradable plant fibre.

Grow bag size: 14 cm wide x 16 cm high.

Made out of 100% post-consumer recycled plastic bottles.

The eco felt grow bag comes flat-packed with a saucer inside.

School Fundraising Shop
Ecofelt Growbag - Rewarewa
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