Scarpa Footwear Claim this Business

Excellent quality Outdoor Gear at prices that can't be beaten. End of lines. Ex Demos. Samples. Last season. NZ owned and operated
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  • $199 +
    Men's Refuge Snow Pant by Marmot
    What goes up(hill), must come down. Make a quick descent in the Refuge Pant. We constructed this pant with Marmot's two-layer, seam-taped MemBrain fabric and added a RECCO Avalanche Rescue Reflector. Extra appointments include: water-resistant zippers, CORDURA scuff guard, internal gaiters and plent...
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  • $174 +
    Women's Kate Pant by Marmot
    Perspective is everything. Keep it flexible in the stretchy softshell of the Women's Kate pant. This windproof and breathable pant has useful features to seal out weather and hold in warmth. Materials:Softshell WPB 85% Nylon, 15% Elastane 9.3 oz/yd All Features:Marmot M1 Softshell - Windproof, Water...
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  • $199 +
    Men's Layout Cargo Ski Pant by Marmot
    Whether your adventures include snowy mountain treks or wet off-road trails, you'll want the Men's Layout Cargo Pants along for the ride. Their 2-layer Marmot MemBrain® waterproof/breathable fabric repels water to keep you dry, plus 100% seam-taped construction prevents leaks. CORDURA® scuff guard...
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  • $324.50 +
    Men's Refuge Jacket by Marmot
    Leave the resort in the rearview—head off trail in the Men's Refuge Ski Jacket. Stay dry with its waterproof/breathable Marmot MemBrain® 2-layer fabric, which is fully taped to prevent leaks. If you work up a sweat, heat-releasing PitZips cool you down. Features like a helmet-compatible hood, fix...
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