Breath Hold Workshop for Freediving

Hā ki roto - Breath in // Hā ki waho - Breath out
Come and relax in the warmth of the natural hot springs at The Lost Springs Whitianga for 2 hours as we guide you through breath-work that will not only help improve your free-diving but also your whole hauora/wellbeing. Experience how our hā, our breath, can connect you to yourself, and to te taiao/the natural world, help support your physical and your mental health with some simple techniques, as well as improve your breath hold.

location: The Lost Springs - Geo-thermal Pools in Whitianga


Bring your togs and a drink bottle

Identify as a woman/wāhine

Min age 14. There is no maximum age

Masks snorkels will be provided

Bookings are non-refundable unless Salt Aotearoa has to cancel. However we do understand that cancellations may need to occur so please email us if this is the case.

Learn more about the venue here:

Salt Aotearoa
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