Roses Florist Auckland Claim this Business♡
$30Preserved White ButtonholeA beautiful gathering of preserved flowers all bundled together and bound in an ivory ribbon complete with a pearl headed pin. As these are preserved they can be kept forever as a keepsake.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$65Fresh Wrist CorasgeA fresh corsage made with mini white orchids or mini Roses and some complementary small blooms throughout. These are neutral colours and fastened with cream ribbon to allow the perfect fit for all. Add a matching buttonhole to complete the look.Please note - Due to Orchid season finishing, mini Roses maybe used as a substitute.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$25White Orchid ButtonholeA fresh white and green buttonhole. Comes with a pin to secure onto the lapel.Please note - Due to Orchid season finishing, we may need to substitute with mini Roses.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$75Blush Preserved CorsageA soft blush wrist corsage made with preserved flowers and fixed to an ivory ribbon allowing the perfect fit for anyone. As this item is preserved its perfect to keep as a keepsake forever. Add a matching buttonhole to finish the look.Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0