NEON Custom Text Vest - From Rocco & Co

Rocco & Co. are excited to release our newest NEON visual aid vests to our collection. We are always on the look out for fabrics and vinyls that stand out and are bright so people see them from far and we have come up with a fantastic solution.
Our NEON visual aid vests either come with NEON ORANGE or NEON PINK vinyl printed onto plain black cotton vests custom sized to your pet.
PLEASE GIVE ME SPACE is an example of how it would look but please answer all questions required before adding to cart so we know what you would personally like written on your custom vest.
- Vests are made to fit your dogs body measurements so when purchasing please fill out the required information so we can make it the correct size.
- Vests are made to be half the size of your dogs body measurement.
- Made from cotton fabric - good quality, lightweight and durable.
- Come with a clip around the tummy and front - both are adjustable.
- Store:
- rocco and co
- Price:
- $30