shopify pre-launch checklist

Are you almost ready to launch your site but want to make sure you have ticked all the boxes? This Pre-Launch Checklist will help guide you through the final stages of your website build, and get you ready to go live!

Throughout my career I have worked with many clients using the Shopify platform who had already done the hard yards of building their website on their own from scratch. They were all so close to reaping the benefits of their labours and going live, but stopped just before the finish line. Why? Because it can be incredibly daunting as a small business owner to take that leap of faith, trust in your work and get your business out into the online space, without the guidance of an expert.

While I love working with my Pre-Launch clients and sorting those final tasks myself, I know there are a lot of small Kiwi business owners who may working to a budget and want to keep costs low. They may also want to learn some new skills.

This is where the Rhea DM Shopify Pre-Launch Checklist comes in! Much more detail-oriented than a lot of other Shopify checklists out there, I have built this checklist based on my own professional experience and recommendations, down to the tiniest, overlooked details.

You don't have waste time researching the next step or have to try resolve issues down the track; let the Pre-Launch Checklist save hours of your precious time!

Rhea DM
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