Safety Razor Travel Bag - CaliWoods

Safety Razor Travel Bag From CaliWoods

Keep your safety razor protected whilst you're away from home with this travel bag. It has been designed especially for safety razors using linen, a natural fabric made from flax plants.

Size: 8cm x 14cm (when lay out flat)

Safety Razor Bag

- Made from linen, a fabric made from the flax plant
- 100% unbleached with minimal processing
- Made to snuggly fit your safety razor
- Drawstring close How To Wash Your Razor Travel Bag

We all know that our toiletries bag needs a clean out every once in a while, so to get your razor travel bag looking spick and span once more, pop it in the washing machine on a gentle cold wash.

- Cold wash, inside out.
- Iron inside out.

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